This is what readers of “Yoga and Grief” have to say. Please leave a review if you read the book. All comments are appreciated.

Julia Lension September 29, 2015: Daughter in law (a Yogi) loved it.

RevvedUpon May 10, 2015: Very useful

Michelle Bloodworthon April 28, 2015: Beautiful offering for anyone experiencing grief. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is grieving for any reason. I recently lost a parent suddenly. This book is a wonderful support in being present with my grief while helping me to gently regain peace in my life at my own pace, recognizing grief as a process. The text, photographs, and font are all beautiful and peaceful. The authors convey gentleness and compassion throughout the book, covering yoga, as well such as chant, meditation and ritual. I thank them for creating this book.

Jon M. Aase MDon April 23, 2015: Beautiful offering for anyone experiencing grief. If there were one word to describe this book, it would be “peace”. The text, the photographs, even the typography promote a sense of quiet and calmness. Making no assumptions, the authors offer gentle and compassionate guidance to those who have experienced deep loss, recognizing that grief is not a state but a process. Although the emphasis is upon the self-awareness and release of tension implicit in the practice of yoga, the book also incorporates other healing techniques, including chant, meditation and ritual. Everything is directed toward the goal of helping the reader regain a sense of direction, balance, and yes, peace in their own lives, at their own pace. I can recommend this book without reservation to those who grieve or who care for others who are grieving.

Patrice Emrieon March 22, 2015: Yoga and this book helped me deal with my grief in a healthy, gentle and positive approach! The benefits of yoga are many, and I believe this book is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. During a very difficult time in my life (loosing my brother in law to a tragic suicide), I bought this book to help me deal with my grief. What I found was a loving way to heal my mind, body and spirit. Having developed a yoga discipline in my daily life, I have found so many benefits! For me these are sleeping better, decreasing stress, improving my focus, and the ability to deal with my grief in a healthy, gentle and positive approach. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to restore peace in their lives, especially after going through a difficult time in one’s life.

Rita Staffordon March 18, 2015: So helpful, and I’m not grieving, just learning and yoga-ing!

victoria sedilloon January 11, 2015: Great book to support yourself through grief. My mother passed away last year and this book has helped me immensely through many moments of grief. I did not sit and read through it cover to cover; but rather randomly open it up and perform whatever appears on the page. The meditations, breath work, and yoga poses always bring me what i need during an emotional moment. My pain is touched tenderly. Thank you for sharing your journey – may it touch many others. I also really like the format – easy and simple.

Sus Sweeterson December 13, 2014: This has been a life saver for me.

JBWon December 6, 2014: Not Just Yoga. Valuable insights into loss, coping, and restoring energy into your life. Loss, and the subsequent grief, can be from many things, both subtle and predictable. It could be from being away from home, the end of a friendship, failed dreams, losing your job, aging, in addition to the obvious loss of a loved one. This book isn’t just about yoga, though the poses and breathing techniques are easy to do and very relaxing. But the forward, the notes on grief, and the healing rituals are incredibly valuable reading in their own right. So even if you don’t really like yoga, or you’re just not sure if you like yoga, or even if you truly love yoga, buy this book and start the journey of restoring balance and energy into your life.

Sue Houseron December 1, 2014: The authors approach grief with gentle, easy-to-follow yoga poses, written instructions, and photographs. Whether a person is grieving the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or loss of a relationship, this book offers a compassionate healing experience.

Elizabeth M. Heunon November 1, 2014: I am loving your wonderful and inspirational book. It is so personal and accesible. I have never done yoga and find some of the stuff can be alienating in its lingo and assumptions about your politics. Not so with your lovely pages. So wonderfully practical and teasing in its promises of stolen peace. Thank you for opening up this new avanue for people coping with grief

Kellyon October 12, 2014: Highly Recommended!! This is a warm and compassionate book for anyone dealing with grief. There are wonderful, gentle yoga poses, breathing techniques, and many nurturing suggestions and quotes to help you through difficult times. I highly recommend this book to my family and friends!

Marie A Drayeron August 29, 2014: This book is a wonderful source for each of us. Whether it is from the death of a close friend or a family member, or a loss of a relationship, everyone needs healing. This book is a wonderful source for each of us. I do not practice yoga — and yet I found so much wisdom and comfort from reading the journey of healing from the authors’ perspectives. When experiencing such a profound loss, it is reassuring to know others have not only experienced what you feel, but have completed the journey to healing. So, the message is: there is hope for me, too. I absolutely recommend this book; it is a “must read” for everyone

Elizabeth Lehmanon August 3, 2014: Good for daily living too! This wonderful book moves the reader gently through a process of opening and relieving burdens, whether grief, stress, or fatigue. Many of the poses can be done almost anywhere – in the car when rushing to places, in a long and tedious meeting, and when my new dog got out of the yard. I know grief will come my way again, but in the meantime, I find many opportunities to use the wisdom on these pages. Deepest gratitude to the authors for sharing with us.

Yoga and Grief by Gloria Drayer and Kathleen Doherty is a user-friendly support for dealing with the emotional lows that all of us encounter.  Not only does it provide intellectual and expressive methods for living and moving through grief, but it also offers physical and spiritual approaches to support individual growth in difficult times.  The ease with which suggested activities can be approached is one of the key components making this guide uniquely usable.  It is neither too simplistic for those with a background in yoga nor too complex, physically or intellectually, for those who have never tried yoga.  It is a down to earth guide that truly supports individual growth and healing, as promised.  Having recently lived through the death of three parents and several friends, I highly recommend it.